Body of Evidence, Revisited

During these weeks of staying at home, I have, like millions of people, become more sedentary than I was before. Whereas I used to get out and ride my bicycle a few times per week and go on walks with friends, I have spent far more time than usual in front of a screen or at my sewing machine. I began to notice that when I’d get up and move across the room, I felt stiff and sluggish. . .

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Squishy Time, Revisited

In light of the pandemic, I want to revisit the concept of Squishy Time. If you’re feeling adrift on the Sea of Indeterminate Time, you’re in good company. For me, it’s a feeling of being busy every day, but getting to the end of the day and wondering what exactly what I accomplished. . . Where has the time gone? . . .

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If you’ve enjoyed listening to this audio blog, we invite you to subscribe and write a review on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Better yet, pop over to Patreon to become a financial supporter of the project. Patrons receive the weekly Saturday Summary, special insider access, and swag to connect and inspire them. For about the price of a latte, $5 per month, you can become a patron at the not-a-latte tier. At $15 per month, you can join the Coffee Klatch and receive a DoYouMind coffee mug just like the ones given to our podcast guests, a podcast dedicated to you or a loved one, and other gifts. At $40 per month, you’re Serving from the Saucer, and in addition to these gifts, you get a membership box mailed to your home each month filled with goodies to connect and inspire you, plus a shout-out for your favorite charity on a future podcast episode. Please visit to learn more.

Magnifiers and Mirrors

Perhaps what connects us most right now is our collective feeling of disconnection. It’s as if this moment in time has been sliced away from the landscape and is being suspended over uncharted territory—we have no way of knowing where or when it will land . . .

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If you’ve enjoyed listening to this audio blog, we invite you to subscribe and write a review on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Better yet, pop over to Patreon to become a financial supporter of the project. Patrons receive the weekly Saturday Summary, special insider access, and swag to connect and inspire them. For about the price of a latte, $5 per month, you can become a patron at the not-a-latte tier. At $15 per month, you can join the Coffee Klatch and receive a DoYouMind coffee mug just like the ones given to our podcast guests, a podcast dedicated to you or a loved one, and other gifts. At $40 per month, you’re Serving from the Saucer, and in addition to these gifts, you get a membership box mailed to your home each month filled with goodies to connect and inspire you, plus a shout-out for your favorite charity on a future podcast episode. Please visit to learn more.

Spare Change

When you saw the title of this article, you most likely thought of extra, loose coins jangling around in your pocket or purse. Fair enough—the photo I chose is intended to lead you there. But what if we shift our perspective and look at the phrase differently? Instead of “spare” as an adjective, let’s look at “spare” as a verb.

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If you’ve enjoyed listening to this audio blog, we invite you to subscribe and write a review on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Better yet, pop over to Patreon to become a financial supporter of the project. Patrons receive the weekly Saturday Summary, special insider access, and swag to connect and inspire them. For about the price of a latte, $5 per month, you can become a patron at the not-a-latte tier. At $15 per month, you can join the Coffee Klatch and receive a DoYouMind coffee mug just like the ones given to our podcast guests, a podcast dedicated to you or a loved one, and other gifts. At $40 per month, you’re Serving from the Saucer, and in addition to these gifts, you get a membership box mailed to your home each month filled with goodies to connect and inspire you, plus a shout-out for your favorite charity on a future podcast episode. Please visit to learn more.

Chrysalis: A Reflection on Change

In this article, I share a poem I wrote a couple of years ago about the transitional state of a caterpillar as it morphs into a butterfly.

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If you’ve enjoyed listening to this audio blog, we invite you to subscribe and write a review on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Better yet, pop over to Patreon to become a financial supporter of the project. Patrons receive the weekly Saturday Summary, special insider access, and swag to connect and inspire them. For about the price of a latte, $5 per month, you can become a patron at the not-a-latte tier. At $15 per month, you can join the Coffee Klatch and receive a DoYouMind coffee mug just like the ones given to our podcast guests, a podcast dedicated to you or a loved one, and other gifts. At $40 per month, you’re Serving from the Saucer, and in addition to these gifts, you get a membership box mailed to your home each month filled with goodies to connect and inspire you, plus a shout-out for your favorite charity on a future podcast episode. Please visit to learn more.


The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused all of us to enter into a state of liminality. What is being asked of us? What does it mean? How will we emerge? Join me, Stacey Leigh, as I explore these questions.

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If you’ve enjoyed listening to this audio blog, we invite you to subscribe and write a review on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Better yet, pop over to Patreon to become a financial supporter of the project. Patrons receive the weekly Saturday Summary, special insider access, and swag to connect and inspire them. For about the price of a latte, $5 per month, you can become a patron at the not-a-latte tier. At $15 per month, you can join the Coffee Klatch and receive a DoYouMind coffee mug just like the ones given to our podcast guests, a podcast dedicated to you or a loved one, and other gifts. At $40 per month, you’re Serving from the Saucer, and in addition to these gifts, you get a membership box mailed to your home each month filled with goodies to connect and inspire you, plus a shout-out for your favorite charity on a future podcast episode. Please visit to learn more.

Book Review: It’s About Time by Valorie Burton

So what causes us (some of us, at least) to try to squeeze in just one more thing? Why do we—I—keep arriving late and still feeling as if the rules of Time somehow work differently for me? I’ve written earlier this month that I thought it was my ego, or a black hole of time, or a rabbit hole, or just the squishy nature of Time. But I missed the mark, and I realized it when I read one key sentence in Valorie Burton’s book…

Join me, Stacey Leigh, for a look inside It’s About Time.


Burton, Valorie. It’s About Time: The Art of Choosing the Meaningful Over the Urgent. Nashville, TN: W Publishing, 2019.

Down the Rabbit Hole

When I began researching Time for this month’s theme, I went down the rabbit hole of time as I chased one thought after another. I dug up some fascinating clues as to the nature of time, but arrived at my own conclusion…


Rovelli, Carlo. The Order of Time. Read by Benedict Cumberbatch. Penguin Audio, 2018. Available on Audible.

Rovelli, Carlo. The Physics and Philosophy of Time. YouTube.