Monthly Archives: July 2019

Book Review: It’s About Time by Valorie Burton

So what causes us (some of us, at least) to try to squeeze in just one more thing? Why do we—I—keep arriving late and still feeling as if the rules of Time somehow work differently for me? I’ve written earlier this month that I thought it was my ego, or a black hole of time, or a rabbit hole, or just the squishy nature of Time. But I missed the mark, and I realized it when I read one key sentence in Valorie Burton’s book…

Join me, Stacey Leigh, for a look inside It’s About Time.


Burton, Valorie. It’s About Time: The Art of Choosing the Meaningful Over the Urgent. Nashville, TN: W Publishing, 2019.

Down the Rabbit Hole

When I began researching Time for this month’s theme, I went down the rabbit hole of time as I chased one thought after another. I dug up some fascinating clues as to the nature of time, but arrived at my own conclusion…


Rovelli, Carlo. The Order of Time. Read by Benedict Cumberbatch. Penguin Audio, 2018. Available on Audible.

Rovelli, Carlo. The Physics and Philosophy of Time. YouTube.

Free Time

An Independence Day look at how women’s free time stacks up against their male counterparts, and how we can free more time for ourselves.


Chandler, Abigail. “‘Having It All’ is Just a Way to Trick Women into Doing It All.” Metro, 7 February 2018,

Konigsberg, Ruth Davis. “Time Management Techniques for the Modern Woman.” Real Simple, Updated 29 August 2014,


The Black Hole of Time

The theme for July 2019 is Time. This feature article for the month begins, “I have a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with time…”

Please comment below: What is your relationship with Time? Are you an early bird, or do you struggle with punctuality? How do you deal with people who are the opposite?